Pay As You Drive is unique a concept in car insurance. Designed specifically for cars that are driven 15,000km per year or less, it offers all the benefits of Comprehensive insurance, but you only pay for the kilometres you plan to drive. Here’s a summary of how it works:
When you buy a Pay As You Drive policy, you nominate the number of kilometres you plan to drive each year (up to 15,000km) and tell us your car’s odometer reading at the start of the policy. We add these together to calculate your End Odometer reading, which will be shown on your Certificate of Insurance.
We calculate your premium based in part on the number of kilometres you tell us you plan to drive.
At the time of a claim, if your car’s odometer reading at the time of the incident is more than your Start Odometer reading and less than the End Odometer reading shown of your Certificate of Insurance, you get the same cover as you would with our Comprehensive insurance. If not, you still have the same cover, except you also pay the Outside Odometer excess ($1000). This is in addition to any other excesses which apply to the claim. In some cases, no excess is payable.
At each renewal, we increase your End Odometer reading by the number of kilometres you told us you planned to drive each year. You can also ask us adjust your End Odometer reading at any time.
However, your end odometer reading cannot be more than 15,000km higher than:
- your Start Odometer reading (for new policies) or
- your End Odometer reading immediately before your last renewal (for renewed policies).
To increase your End Odometer reading, give us a call on 1300 034 888 during our operating hours.
See our PDS for more details.